Monday, 18 July 2011

DOC new vehicles, new brand

DOC solar and Electrical have taken delivery of a new fleet of vehicles together with a new brand and livery

Friday, 20 May 2011

FSB Summer Ball

FSB summer Ball, 25th June @ DW stadium tickets £25.00 per person - a great opportunity to network and meet new people, over 200 people already booked, tickets selling fast

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

FSB meeting 15th feb

Notice of a Meeting of the Wigan & St Helens Branch of the Federation of Small Businesses

Tuesday 15th February  2011 6:00pm
At The Stables Brasserie, 15 Millgate, Wigan, WN1 1YB.


Pensions "The Ticking Time Bomb"
NEST (National Employment Savings Trust)

Presentation From: Chris Sword, Cert PFS CeMap Associate Independent Financial Services (UK) Ltd

Join us at this Special Event!

For FSB members this event is Free of Charge and only £10 for non members!  Buffet will be available- sponsored by The Stables Brasserie

Registration from 5:30pm

Wigan & St Helens Branch Members are invited to attend this excellent event - incorporating lots of opportunities to network amongst fellow local Business Owners

For more Information or to reserve your place contact the Branch Secretary by Email or Tel 07912 086634

Please advise us of any building or materials access requirements or dietary requirements

Directions & Parking can be found at

Thursday, 6 January 2011

FSB Event 18th Jan 6pm @ DW Stadium

Notice of a Meeting of the Wigan & St Helens Branch of the Federation of Small Businesses
Tuesday 18th January  2011 6:00pm
At  the DW Stadium, Wish FM Lounge, Loire Drive, Robin Park, Wigan.WN5 0UH


Ø Benefits of Apprenticeships
Ø Growing your Business in 2011
Ø Recruitment Made Easy
Ø Opening Doors to a Better Future

Presentations From:

National Apprenticeship Service (NAS)
ProCo NW Ltd
Wigan & Leigh College
Mantra Learning

!Join us at this Special Event!
£10pp including Buffet on Arrival - Registration from 5:30pm

Wigan & St Helens Branch Members and Guests are invited to attend this Excellent Event - incorporating lots of opportunities to network amongst fellow local Business Owners.

Please confirm your attendance or for more Information contact the Branch Secretary by Email
or Tel 07912 086634

Please advise us of any building or materials access requirements or dietary requirements.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Wigan Business Awards

We are proud to announce that Complete Logistic Services part of the FDCLS group won the award for 'We're backing Wigan' this is a tremendous achievement for such a young and dynamic company, Complete Logistics Services and Fleet Dynamic Joined forces in June 2010 to create the new group and have since won several new contracts with both SME and large Public Sector companies and have worked hard to promote Wigan in the local and National Business arena. Here's to another exciting year!